The Animation sector currently employs over 69 lakh employees and is slated to employ more than 1.3 crores by 2022. This implies an additional creation of approximately 60 lakh jobs in the nine-year period. Employment base of the organised retail industry is expected to reach approximately 56 lakhs by 2022 across conventional & specialised retail segments.**. And, each sector will prefer candidates who have impeccable English communication skills along with the technical skills. As a result, there is a huge demand for non-formal academic curriculum-based training programs in all these industries. This means, it’s a good time to invest in education business and reap good returns. Animation Academy is constantly looking for business partners who can open centres in locations where we currently do not have a centre. The company has a proven partnership model. Both the company and the franchisee support each other in achieving business goals.
Site selection
Centre layout planning
Recruitment & training of staff and faculty
Animation Academy’s own customised software ensure smooth running of operations at the centres. It helps the centres to manage all invoicing & operations online
Marketing support for the launch of the new centre
Timely faculty evaluations help identifying those faculty members who need training
Faculty training & exams leading to certification are conducted, ensuring that the centre has faculty with the right skills to provide proper training to students
Day-to-day support on how to deliver the course curriculum and conduct the courses
Conduct online exams & issues certification to students
Exam invigilation
A full-fledged Placement Team dedicated to finding appropriate job openings for trained students across the centres
The Placement Team:
Conducts job-oriented training for students, increasing visibility of brand & credibility of the centre
Organises airport/airline/other industry visits to familiarise students with job roles & opportunities and to build their industry contacts
Sources job opportunities for students
Identifies internship opportunities for students in airports
Conducts training programs for centre's own placement executive, if any
Marketing & advertising campaigns for press, TV, internet, outdoor & radio are developed and run by Henry Harvin Animation Academy. The Academy also provides designs for advertising material including banners, posters and signboards for use by the centres
Regular performance reviews & training sessions are conducted for staff members
Student scholarships & other schemes are run from time to time to give a boost to the business
Advertising and brand development initiatives through various internet-based and traditional press & outdoor advertising
Ongoing advice to the centre on how to improve business as well as taking inputs on market & strategy from the centres
Course material including books, CDs, and slides for both students and faculty are printed/ published by Henry Harvin Animation Academy and delivered to centres as per their requirements
Marketing and promotional material such as banners and posters are also centrally printed (if required) and sent to the centres
Students’ mark sheets and final certificates are also printed and dispatched
From time to time Henry Harvin Animation Academy conducts marketing activity that generates enquiries from students interested in taking courses. The company also runs a counselling centre for handling student enquiries. All these student leads are passed on to the centre.
Henry Harvin Animation Academy develops its own course curriculum
Courses are designed after extensive industry & market research
Animation Academy provides teaching aids for students & faculty to conduct the course in the best possible manner
Henry Harvin Americas Head Office
Henry Harvin Asia Pacific Office
Henry Harvin Middle East Office
Henry Harvin United Kingdom Office
Mentored by Chetan Bhagat (Popular Book Author &
World's 100 Most Influential People in 2010 by Time Magazine)